

Quai de la Barrière - 48150 MEYRUEIS

The Julien family has been welcoming guests to their restaurant in the heart of Lozère for the last four generations.
Have a wonderful experience tasting traditional dishes in a friendly atmosphere.
Sweetbreads with morels, calf’s head, crispy honey and four spice croustillons, lamb leg with chestnuts, aligot, tartinette with black pudding and apples, grilled Causse lamb.


Ranking : Guide du Routard, Le petit futé, Le Routard Hôtels et Restos de France, Michelin

Opening period :



Category: Country Inn

Chief name : JULIEN BENOIT

Spoken languages : FrenchEnglishSpanish

Capacity : 150 covers

Capacity Terrace : 40 covers

Height : 706 m

Natural regions : Gorges de la JonteCausse Noir

Territories : Grands Sites des Gorges du Tarn, de la Jonte et des Causses • National Park of the Cevennes • Perimeter UNESCO Causses and Cevennes

Pets accepted : oui

Groups welcomed : oui

Groups : between 12 and 150 people

Chains & Labels

GTMC-VTT • Guide du Routard • Le petit futé • Le Routard Hôtels et Restos de France • Logis • Michelin • Motorcyclists relay • Restaurateurs de France

Services and amenities

Park • Swimming-pool • Terrace • Wifi Internet access • Banquet • Seminar • Caterer


Information Min. Rate Max. Rate Complement


  • Credit card
  • Payment cards
  • Lunch vouchers
  • Cheques and postal orders
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash
  • Eurocard - Mastercard
  • International money orders
  • Restaurant vouchers
  • Money transfers
  • Visa

Information updated on 29/08/24 / Report an error on this offer !